The NSERC PermafrostNet Data Hackathon

The NSERC PermafrostNet Data Hackathon was organized to support members of the network in creating metadata records and publishing datasets.

When was it?

The event was held on Wednesday August 19, 2020. The day’s agenda is provided below.

What were the Goals?
  • Make headway on data / metadata publication or permafrost-data-related problems you are interested in.
  • Strengthen the NSERC PermafrostNet community, recognizing that for many participants, this may be an early part of their degree or project.
  • Provide an opportunity to learn something new.
Who was this workshop for?

Members and partners of NSERC PermafrostNet wanting to learn more about publishing permafrost data (or metadata), data wrangling or coding. Also researchers with data wrangling or coding skills who wanted to share their knowledge and expertise with other members of the network.

Original proposed agenda

Zoom meeting room opened for logging in and informal networking.
11:00Roundtable introductions.
11:20Presentation on the computing resources available via PermafrostNet and current Network recommendations for data and metadata standards – Nick Brown, NSERC PermafrostNet Data Scientist.
11:30Hackathon format discussion and organization.
11:45Work session in breakout rooms.
13:15Group check-in to address any hurdles.
16:40Wrap-up: lessons learned, what still needs to be done.
Times are Eastern Time (UTC-4).
Where was it?

All sessions were held by videoconference using Zoom.

We took care to ensure the hackathon was a safe and secure space during the meetings by providing our Zoom etiquette guide in advance, and providing plenty of time and space during the meeting for attendees to discuss their issues and engage according to their own needs.

Why did NSERC PermafrostNet run this Data Hackathon?

There is a need for better access to permafrost data. If you want to learn more about the broader context of permafrost data science and the previous events and discussions that this workshop builds on, you can read our Data Workshop Background and 2020 Permafrost Data Workshop pages.

Who can I contact?

If you have any questions about the Hackathon, please send an email to Nick Brown, NSERC PermafrostNet Data Scientist