The 6th NSERC PermafrostNet AGM
The 2024 NSERC PermafrostNet Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in conjunction with the Arctic Change conference at the Rogers Centre Ottawa on the 9th of December.
The AGM focused on the synthesis of the research findings the network has made over the last 5 years. The meeting was held in-person on the first day of the conference.
The 2024 Arctic Change Conference (AC2024) was ArcticNet’s 5th International conference and a special 20th edition of their Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).

The event was a record-breaking success as ArcticNet hosted over 1700 members of the Canadian and international Arctic research community for a week of discussion, networking and knowledge sharing. With approximately 570 Northern participants (33%), 2024 was the most representative conference to date. Northern participation is critical and NSERC PermafrostNet supported the conference through the Northern Travel Fund. This ensures Northerners are an integral part of the conversation around current results emerging from Arctic research and the future of research in Canada.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for more photos from the evening reception and Arctic Change conference.
AGM Program
The 2024 AGM took place over one day, featuring updates on theme progress, progress synthesising research projects and focused presentations on transversal topics. This was followed by an afternoon breakout session on future permafrost research.
9:00 – 10:30 am
- Introduction to the 6th NSERC PermafrostNet AGM – Melissa Lafrenière (Queen’s University) and Jackie Ziegler (University of Victoria), AGM co-chairs.
- Have you developed a ground ice addiction? Theme 1 can help you fix your cravings – Daniel Fortier (Université de Montreal)
- CPERS database – Toni Lewkowicz (University of Ottawa)
- Developing an Overview of Permafrost Monitoring Methods. Update from the Theme 2 working group – Trevor Lantz (University of Victoria)
- Progress on simulating transient permafrost change – Stephan Gruber (Carleton University)
- Theme 3 (Modelling) update – Oliver Sonnentag (Université de Montreal)
- Theme 4 Project Update: Permafrost Hazard Interviews across Canada – Jackie Ziegler (University of Victoria)
- Community needs – Ramona Pearson (Dehcho First Nations)
- Q+A
10:30 – 11:00 am Break
11:00 – 12:00 pm
- Early detection and high resolution monitoring of terrain disturbance – Brian Moorman (University of Calgary)
- Impacts of thawing permafrost on water systems – Melissa Lafrenière (Queen’s University)
- A brief overview of theme 4 and some thoughts on permafrost geohazard research – Pascale Roy-Léveillée (Laval Université)
- Impacts of Permafrost Thaw on Linear Infrastructure – Jocelyn Hayley (University of Calgary)
- Permafrost thaw adaptation and mitigation – Chris Burn (Carleton University)
- Q+A
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 pm
- Breakout session on future research and the connections and collaborations required.
AGM Presentations
Toni Lewkowicz
Title: CPERS database.

Trevor Lantz
Title: Developing an Overview of Permafrost Monitoring Methods. Update from the Theme 2 working group.

Chris Burn
Title: Permafrost thaw adaptation and mitigation.

Arctic Change
Between Tuesday 10, and Thursday, 12 December, AC2024 convened the northern research community for more than 300 oral presentations and 300 poster presentations, and over 80 topical sessions, most of which were livestreamed and five of which were live interpreted in Inuktitut. There were a large number of presentations by network members, collaborators and the wider permafrost community at the Arctic Change conference.
The ArcticNet Student Association (ASA) organized and hosted the Early Career Northern Researchers (ECNR) Annual Meeting on the first day of the conference for students and early career researchers. The 2024 edition of the ECNR Meeting featured over 12 workshops and training sessions for ECNRs, a community pitch contest, networking events, and a special tour of the Arctic Gallery at the Canadian Museum of Nature. NSERC PermafrostNet student Galina Jonat played an important role in this part of the conference by serving on the organizing committee.

Arctic Change Presentations
Keynote Plenary
Cryosphere Connections: Dynamics of Change in Our Frozen World
Local expressions of global change: community-level impacts of permafrost thaw in the Canadian North – Pascale Roy-Léveillée (Université Laval)
Permafrost degradation raises international concern for its global impacts on the carbon and mercury cycles, yet it is at the local and regional scales that effects of thaw are observed and experienced first and most directly. There are more than 150 communities located in the continuous and discontinuous permafrost zones of Canada, of which many face permafrost hazards such as ground subsidence, slope failure, contaminant mobilisation, or icing expansion that can threaten infrastructure stability, reduce water quality, or impede access to traditional foods. The surface expression of permafrost thaw varies widely in nature and magnitude across space, reflecting important differences in permafrost conditions, ecosystem resilience, and physiographic context. This presentation reviews impacts of permafrost thaw using contrasting examples from Canadian communities and discusses how collaborative field-based efforts centered on community priorities can produce datasets and models that support northern resilience to permafrost thaw in a warming climate.

Topical Sessions
The direct impacts of arctic coastal erosion in ice-rich permafrost areas are obvious and dramatic. Rapid coastal alteration, dumping of massive amounts of sediment into the ocean, and retrogressive thaw slumps are all obvious signs of coastal retreat in ice-rich permafrost areas. However, less obvious impacts are experienced in the terrestrial environment many hundreds of metres inland from the coast. Small changes to the coastline can result in large changes to the local hydrological baselevel and the impact that has on the hydrological system and geomorphic features such as ice wedge polygons.
For this study we used very high resolution drone derived digital elevation models and orthophotos to examine the impacts of coastal retreat on the hydrological and geomorphological systems near Revneset, Svalbard. This area features a series of beach ridges with mature ice wedge polygons between them extending right up to the coastline. The overall slope of the terrain causes all the surficial runoff to flow through the ice wedge troughs to the sea. In areas where the local baselevel, controlled by coastal erosion, has been lowered, faster flowing water is resulting in the ice wedges eroding out and the nearby landscape drying out. This appears to have impacted both the flora and fauna of the region.
The results of this study demonstrate how local coastal dynamics can have a broader and more significant impact on inland regions surrounding the coast.
Daniel Fortier

Buried glacier ice is widespread near the margin of formerly glaciated landscapes. It can be preserved in permafrost environments for thousands to millions of years, and thus represents a unique source of paleogeographical, paleoenvironmental, and paleoclimatological information. On Bylot Island, remnants of glacier ice were exposed in headwalls of thaw slumps located on the edge of an upland plateau. This deposit sits on top of a 2.8-2.4 Ma fossil forest deposit. We used sedimentological, cryostratigraphic, and geochemical techniques together with radiocarbon, and paleomagnetic dating to determine the origin and age of the buried ice and surrounding sediments. The ice presented striking similarities with cryofacies, deformation features, and δ18O values of englacial ice and debris-rich basal-ice layers observed at the base of contemporary glaciers. The cryostratigraphic and isotopic properties of the pure ice with large, interlocked ice crystals and few sediment inclusions are suggestive of an englacial origin (firnification), whereas those of the alternating layers of debris-rich and debris-poor ice are more consistent with a basal glacier ice origin. Paleomagnetic records of the glacio-fluvial sediments overlying the buried glacier ice recorded a normal-reversed-normal magnetic polarity, suggesting that the ice was in place since at least 0.773 Ma. As such, it represents the oldest glacier ice preserved in ice-free Arctic landscapes, and the earliest evidence of a Pleistocene glaciation in the eastern Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The presence of this buried ice near the surface also demonstrates the very strong resilience of cold Arctic permafrost to past climate warming.
Emma Street, Ernie Francis and Irma Cardinal

Temperature increases four times faster than the global average are transforming Arctic landscapes at unprecedented rates. These changes drastically impact permafrost, ground that remains at or below 0°C for two or more years, and threaten the infrastructure, ecosystems, and socio-cultural elements of Arctic communities reliant upon it. This project explores the extent and significance of permafrost degradation in the Gwich’in Settlement Area and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the western Canadian Arctic. By way of Two Eyed Seeing and community-driven participatory research methodologies, this project in collaboration with the Inuvialuit Game Council, Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat, Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board, Gwich’in Department of Culture and Heritage, and community members, documents Gwich’in and Inuvialuit Traditional Knowledge pertaining to permafrost and observed changes in community. This presentation presents the methodologies behind this research and the results of 110 interviews completed among the eight communities of Paulatuk, Sachs Harbour, Tuktoyaktuk, Ulukhaktok, Fort McPherson, Tsiigehtchic, Aklavik, and Inuvik. Findings from this work highlight community relationship and engagement with permafrost and community concerns including those related to traditional travel route access, subsistence activities, and infrastructure. It is anticipated that these findings will contribute to permafrost knowledge and help amplify mitigation and adaptation needs and potential solutions for Gwich’in and Inuvialuit communities – and those beyond – facing permafrost thaw.
Frederic Brieger
Title: Permafrost terrain disturbance mapping and susceptibility modeling in the Nacho Nyäk Tagé (Stewart River) watershed, Yukon.

The Nacho Nyäk Tagé (Stewart River) watershed in the traditional territory of the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun (central Yukon) is underlain by extensive discontinuous permafrost and locally highly sensitive to thaw. In addition to impacts from climate change to its ecology, geomorphology, and hydrology, this culturally important area is pressured by mining activities and their environmentally harmful practices. Timely community-led land-use planning is necessary to develop effective management, conservation, and adaptation strategies. This project aims to contribute assessments on the distribution and susceptibility towards permafrost terrain disturbances (PTDs) in the watershed to the undergoing land-use planning process.
A total of 277 PTDs including 80 retrogressive thaw slumps (RTSs) were mapped in satellite imagery to understand the current spatial distribution of thaw-induced geohazards in the watershed. PTDs are indicators of sensitive permafrost terrain that is likely to respond strongly to climate change. RTSs in particular are indicative of thawing ice-rich permafrost and have increased in frequency and activity. Along the banks of Nacho Nyäk Tagé, they are typically associated with ice-rich glaciolacustrine sediments or tills, as validated by field observations.
Terrain susceptibility towards PTDs was modelled using random forest machine learning at a 16 m spatial resolution and revealed distinct spatial patterns related to the physiography and climatic history of the region. Tenfold cross-validation resulted in an average AUROC of 0.89, indicating high accuracy of model predictions. RTSs are predominantly found on gentle, northwest to northeast-facing slopes and riverbanks consisting of fine-grained glaciogenic sediments from the late McConnell glaciation.
Gabriel Karam
Title: A Simulated Study of Ice-Wedge Behaviour at Illisarvik, NWT, and Salluit, QC, Using XFEM.

Ice wedges comprise a large portion of the massive ice found in the continuous permafrost zone, impacting the hydrology, subsidence, and ecosystem of the surrounding terrain. Many field studies have investigated the different aspects of ice wedges — namely cracking predictors, geomorphological characteristics, and wedge-ice distribution. However, field data and longitudinal studies on cracking events are scarce due to the low frequency of ice-wedge cracking. Here, numerical methods can complement field studies and provide new insight into the formation process and other important variables such as estimated wedge-ice volume.
We propose a case study using an existing 2-D numerical model to study ice-wedge cracking at two contrasting locations. First, Illisarvik, NWT, is the only studied site of lake drainage and the subsequent creation of incipient wedges. These wedges have a unique shape compared to their more-mature counterparts. Second, Salluit in the north of Quebec is a site of cold temperatures, frequent cracking, and mature wedges with defined morphology.
Our model uses the extended finite-element method (XFEM) to explicitly simulate cracks in soil. Soil properties and climate data are taken as inputs, which can be derived from either observed meteorological data or reanalysis products. This approach is versatile and can be employed at any location with appropriate data. Results from both sites will be compared to existing field studies to evaluate model performance and draw conclusions regarding the formation and growth of ice wedges.
Hosein Fereydooni
Title: Spectral Induced Polarization can reduce the ambiguity of detecting ground ice in warm permafrost.

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) is a widely used technique for identifying ground ice in permafrost regions. While it usually distinguishes ground ice due to its high resistivity compared to unfrozen materials, some subsurface conditions and configurations can cause ambiguity. In contrast, Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP), which leverages the polarization properties of ground ice, potentially offers less ambiguous identification.
In this study, we compare published ERT and new SIP results near a retrogressive thaw slump in Yukon, Canada. The SIP measurements were conducted in the winter of 2023, using frequencies ranging from 1.46 Hz to 40 kHz. The ERT measurements were carried out in 2019, with both surveys employing a dipole-dipole array along the same survey line. While the ERT results showed no clear evidence of ground ice, the SIP real and imaginary results at 40 kHz and the Resistivity Frequency Effect (RFE) indicate the presence of ice within the same locations and depths.
The findings suggest that ground ice may exist in regions with resistivity as low as 100 Ωm (despite ground ice typically having higher resistivity), likely due to fine-grained materials with higher liquid water content. Since ERT relies solely on resistivity, it can lead to misinterpreting warm and ice-rich clay, sand, or silt (low-resistivity materials) as being unfrozen, SIP may offer additional insight. As a new technique, however, procedures and tools for SIP survey design and execution, as well as methods for processing and interpretation, are demanding and less well developed than for ERT.
Nick Brown
Title: Rapid lowering of the top of permafrost : causes, forecasting, and implications for monitoring.

Active layer thickness is an important variable in permafrost regions. It affects biogeochemical processes, water transport, and ground stability. It is also one of three products used to track permafrost as part of the essential climate variable framework.
Global observations of active layer thickness show increases at typical rates on the order of centimetres per year. However, in warm permafrost, much higher rates are observed, up to an order of magnitude greater. Several explanations have been provided to explain this discrepancy such as the partitioning of latent vs. sensible heat, an increase in the thermal gradient, and the formation of taliks.
We investigate two additional explanations: First, by approaching isothermal conditions in thawing permafrost, heat transport deeper into the ground is diminished. Consequently, a greater proportion of the downward heat flux at the top of permafrost is available for phase change. Second, that in very dry permafrost, accelerated . To test this, we simulate 120 years of warming in different ground conditions and climates using the numerical model FreeThaw1D to recreate this phenomenon. We demonstrate how the acceleration of active layer deepening is connected to the presence and loss of ground ice in permafrost.
A stronger understanding of the processes that lead to rapid active layer deepening will be beneficial for forecasting when it will occur and interpreting changes in ground thermal regime.
Samuel Gagnon
Title: Formation of thermo-erosional gullies in the ice-rich transition zone of marine sediments.

Thermo-erosional gullies are one of the most widespread forms of permafrost degradation in the Arctic. Their formation, development, and stabilization have been reported in ice-wedge polygonal terrain where ice-wedge degradation by thermo-mechanical processes catalyses the development of gully networks. However, thermo-erosional gullies forming in the absence of polygonal networks can also develop, though they have yet to be reported. This study aimed to characterize such gullies and provide an explanation for their mechanism of formation in a marine terrace along the coast near Ikaluktutiak (NU,Canada). The stratigraphy of near-surface permafrost is characterized by a layer of ice-poor sandy sediments (30-50 cm) overlying marine clay of varying ice contents. The top (~1m) of the marine clay forms an ice-rich transition zone (volumetric ice content >75%) that overlies marine sediments with much lower ice contents (<20%). Nineteen thermo-erosional gullies forming perpendicular to the coast have been characterized using field measurements, photographs from automated cameras, and drone surveys. The depths and widths of the gullies generally ranged from 2 to 3m, while the lengths of the main channels varied between 4m and 50m. Of the nineteen gullies identified within a 200-m section, sixteen gullies were active and retreating inland, and showed signs of ground subsidence due to groundwater flow (e.g., overhangs, tunnels). We suggest that gullying is initiated in the spring when the active layer reaches the interface between the sand and marine clay layers where groundwater flow causes melting of the ice in the transition layer and subsidence of the surface layers.
The Barrens are a 14,200 km2 area of polygonal tundra in the continuous permafrost zone of northern Manitoba. Rapid climatic warming in the Barrens is affecting the Hudson Bay Railway, a crucial transportation infrastructure built on permafrost. However, terrain changes expected with continued permafrost warming and thaw are not well defined for the Barrens, where little is known about ground ice conditions, permafrost thermal regimes, or thermokarst dynamics. This research examined ground-ice conditions and controls on thermokarst evolution to better predict future landscape changes in the Barrens. Objectives were to 1) characterize permafrost and ground-ice conditions to assess vulnerability to thaw and thermokarst; 2) inventory recent geomorphological changes to infer future landscape evolution; and 3) develop a conceptual model of the expected geomorphological evolution along the railway. Geomorphological changes across the Barrens were assessed from historical aerial photographs and satellite imagery from 1927 to 2024. In representative areas, 45 permafrost cores were extracted extending up to 5.5 m beneath the surface. Organic layer thickness, sediment texture, and thaw consolidation potential were measured. Snow conditions and ground thermal regimes were assessed. Preliminary results indicated four categories of change: burning, wetting, greening, and drainage. Ice-rich permafrost is insulated from the atmosphere by a peat layer 110 to 240-cm thick, leading to a thermal offset of up to -3.1 °C. Thermokarst was most widespread where peat was thinnest and near-surface ice content was relatively high. Pool ice above wedge ice indicated post-disturbance permafrost recovery at sites that burned before 1947 and in 2012.
This year NSERC PermafrostNet members and CREATE LEAP students presented their posters to 1700 members of the Canadian and international Arctic research community. There were over 300 posters in total presented at the 2024 Arctic Change conference.
You can see all the poster pdfs below the photos.

Click on the right-hand side images below to see the full poster pdf.
Alexandre Chiasson
Title: A Standardized Mapping Nomenclature for Permafrost and Thermokarst Features

Olivia Meier-Legault

- Bruno Lecavalier – Environmental Sensitivity and Variability of CO2 Fluxes on the Forest-Tundra Ecotone: Insights from 12-Years of Eddy Covariance in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
- Rachel Lackey – Quantifying near surface lateral groundwater flow in a discontinuous permafrost setting.
- Rémi Lord-Quintric – Mapping post-fire vegetation composition and structure changes in the Taiga Plains using unoccupied aerial vehicule.
Partners, Collaborators and members of the wider permafrost community.
The Arctic Change conference attracts a wide range of researchers covering many different fields. This year featured many partners and collaborators presenting in topical sessions on permafrost and related topics.
- Yifeng Wang – Warming, greening, and thawing of culturally-important coastal peatlands in Labrador, northeastern Canada.
- Peter Morse – Distribution of aufeis in northern Canada derived from Google Earth Engine.
- Suzanne Tank – Propagation of permafrost thaw effects through watersheds of the Peel Plateau, NT, Canada.
- Frédéric Bouchard – The SEDNA Project: A platform for permafrost internships across the Arctic – and more.
- Sharon Smith – Impact of Extreme Warming in 2023 on Permafrost in Northwestern Canada.
- H. Brendan O’Neill – Investigating the impacts of the 2023 wildfires on permafrost terrain near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
- H. Brendan O’Neill – Improving knowledge of ground ice conditions in the Kivalliq region, Nunavut.
- Anne-Marie LeBlanc – Ice-wedge mapping at local and regional scales, Rankin Inlet, Nunavut.
- Jennifer K. Humphries – Permafrost conditions along the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway, Northwest Territories.
- Jay Cumming – Snow compaction as a mitigation technique to reduce permafrost thaw – a numerical modelling adventure.
- Elyn Humphreys – Monitoring carbon fluxes to understand the impact of climate change in peat plateau landscapes of the Hudson Bay Lowlands.
- Alice Wilson – StoryMaps as a Permafrost Communication and Education Tool.
- Trevor Lantz – Drivers of wildfire in the Low Arctic and Northern Subarctic of western Canada.
Career panel session

Exploring Professional Skills for Permafrost Careers in Canada’s North
- Steve Kokelj – Northwest Territories Geological Survey
- Camellia Gray – Inuvialuit Settlement Region
- Erika Hille – Aurora Research Institute, Director – Western Arctic Research Centre
- Nick Brown – NSERC PermafrostNet Data scientist
Chair: Tristan MacLean – NSERC PermafrostNet
NSERC PermafrostNet and NSERC CREATE LEAP delivered a professional skills training session for those interested in permafrost and science-based careers in Canada’s North. As northern communities witness and experience the accelerating impacts of permafrost thaw on infrastructure and ecosystems, the urgency to grow the workforce of professionals trained to address these challenges grows in tandem. These professionals are called upon to be adaptable to emergent and ongoing issues, able to apply multi-disciplinary solutions, and comfortable engaging and collaborating in a northern context. The session provided guidance and advice on how to secure and sustain rewarding careers that aim to improve climate resiliency while fostering collaboration.

NSERC PermafrostNet Evening Reception