![Peter Morse](https://permafrostnet.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Peter-MorseIMG_3423-300x272.jpg)
Peter (@PeterfrostMorse) is an NRCan research scientist and activity lead in the GSC’s Climate Change Geoscience Program. He is also an Adjunct Research professor in the Carleton University Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Secretary of the Canadian Permafrost Association, and an Editor for The Cryosphere. He received his PhD in Geography from Carleton University. Specializing in permafrost science and periglacial geomorphology, his current research is focused on: (i) permafrost landscape evolution in subarctic Northwest Territories; (ii) developing detailed permafrost geomorphological feature maps and analyzing remotely sensed datasets in order to model terrain thaw susceptibility and potential risk to major northern infrastructure corridors; and (iii) permafrost and hydrogeological interactions and the effects of climate change. His recent work is recognized by an NRCan Departmental Achievement Award and a GSC Logan Gold Medallion Award, both for Excellence in Science.