Emma is the NSERC PermafrostNet Administrative Assistant. She completed a BSc (Hons) in geology with physical geography at Keele University in the UK. She won the NSGGA John Myers Medal for her undergraduate thesis on the geological mapping of the La Majua region in the Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain. Her interest in permafrost began during her second year after taking a course on changing permafrost environments. She continued her graduate studies at Keele University, completing an MSc in geoscience research in 2017. She won the award for best masters thesis for her project on the influence of temperature, grain size and salinity on the unfrozen water content and electrical resistivity of frozen soils. She has experience working in the construction industry and as a geospatial surveyor. She moved to Canada in 2018 to start her PhD at Carleton University under the supervision of Chris Burn and Steve Kokelj.