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Seminar – 2 April – Ground Ice Detection with Spectral Induced Polarization.
Hosein Fereydooni will be presenting Ground Ice Detection with Spectral Induced Polarization. Date: …
Seminar – 5 March – Improving predictions of permafrost conditions by using data from climate models that centres the impacts of permafrost thaw.
Galina Jonat will be presenting Improving predictions of permafrost conditions by using data from cl…
Seminar – 12 February – Post-Drainage Evolution of Wolverine Lake, Old Crow Flats, Yukon.
Danielle Chiasson will be presenting Post-Drainage Evolution of Wolverine Lake, Old Crow Flats, Yuko…
Seminar – 29 January – Understanding Frost Jacking Effects on Transportation Infrastructure in Permafrost Regions.
Natalie Arpin will be presenting Understanding Frost Jacking Effects on Transportation Infrastructur…
Seminar – 22 January – Permafrost Terrain Disturbance Susceptibility in the Nacho Nyäk Tagé (Stewart River) Watershed, Yukon.
Frederic Brieger will be presenting Permafrost Terrain Disturbance Susceptibility in the Nacho Nyäk …
Seminar – 15 January – Characterizing the setting and dynamics of permafrost mass wasting in the central Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories.
Joseph Young will be presenting Characterizing the setting and dynamics of permafrost mass wasting i…
Seminar – 18 December – Measuring Active Layer Dynamics with InSAR.
Allison Plourde will be presenting Measuring Active Layer Dynamics with InSAR. Date: 18 December 202…
Seminar – 4 December – A framework for evaluating thaw settlement.
Zakieh Mohammadi will be presenting A framework for evaluating thaw settlement. Date: 4 De…
Seminar – 13 November – Modelling the nitrogen cycle of mosses across the boreal forest.
Rose Lefebvre will be presenting Modelling the nitrogen cycle of mosses across the boreal forest. Da…
Seminar – 16 October – Performance of Drilling Waste Sumps, Western Arctic Canada.
Rae Landriau will be presenting Performance of Drilling Waste Sumps, Western Arctic Canada…
Seminar – 18 September – Development and demonstration of a statistical ranking framework for ground temperature models, tailored towards permafrost environments.
Hannah Macdonell will be presenting Development and demonstration of a statistical ranking fram…
Seminar Videos – Ice-Wedges of the Hudson Bay Lowlands and Precise Change Detection with Airborne InSAR & Optical Photogrammetry in Active Permafrost Regions.
The NSERC PermafrostNet seminar videos – Ice-Wedge Volume, Distribution, and Development in th…
Investigating the controls of ice-wedge initiation and growth using XFEM
A new study by Gabriel Karam et al asks, how do climate and soil control the ice-wedge for…
POSTPONED Seminar – 29 May – Performance of Drilling Waste Sumps, Western Arctic Canada.
Rae Landriau will be presenting Performance of Drilling Waste Sumps, Western Arctic Canada. Date: 29…
Seminar – 22 May – Precise Change Detection with Airborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) & Optical Photogrammetry Data and its application to Active Permafrost Regions.
Usman Iqbal Ahmed will be presenting Precise Change Detection with Airborne Interferometri…
A prototype field-to-publication data system for a multi-variable permafrost observation network.
Analysis and prediction of permafrost change are hampered by lack of observational data. In collabor…
Seminar – 15 May – Ice-Wedge Volume, Distribution, and Development in the Barrens of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Northern Manitoba.
Tabatha Rahman will be presenting Ice-Wedge Volume, Distribution, and Development in the Barren…
Recording and AI summary of the 2023 Canadian Science Policy Conference
Both Permafrost Pathways and NSERC PermafrostNet organized separate panel sessions at the Canadian S…
Seminar – 8 May – The Effects of Environmental Controls on Epigenetic Ice-Wedge Cracking.
Gabriel Karam will be presenting The Effects of Environmental Controls on Epigenetic Ice-W…
Recent posts
- Seminar – 2 April – Ground Ice Detection with Spectral Induced Polarization.
- Seminar – 5 March – Improving predictions of permafrost conditions by using data from climate models that centres the impacts of permafrost thaw.
- Seminar – 12 February – Post-Drainage Evolution of Wolverine Lake, Old Crow Flats, Yukon.
- Seminar – 29 January – Understanding Frost Jacking Effects on Transportation Infrastructure in Permafrost Regions.
- Seminar – 22 January – Permafrost Terrain Disturbance Susceptibility in the Nacho Nyäk Tagé (Stewart River) Watershed, Yukon.
- Seminar – 15 January – Characterizing the setting and dynamics of permafrost mass wasting in the central Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories.
- Seminar – 18 December – Measuring Active Layer Dynamics with InSAR.
- Seminar – 4 December – A framework for evaluating thaw settlement.
- Seminar – 13 November – Modelling the nitrogen cycle of mosses across the boreal forest.
- Seminar – 16 October – Performance of Drilling Waste Sumps, Western Arctic Canada.
- Seminar – 18 September – Development and demonstration of a statistical ranking framework for ground temperature models, tailored towards permafrost environments.
- Seminar Videos – Ice-Wedges of the Hudson Bay Lowlands and Precise Change Detection with Airborne InSAR & Optical Photogrammetry in Active Permafrost Regions.
- Investigating the controls of ice-wedge initiation and growth using XFEM
- Field work training at Foret Montmorency
- POSTPONED Seminar – 29 May – Performance of Drilling Waste Sumps, Western Arctic Canada.
- Seminar – 22 May – Precise Change Detection with Airborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) & Optical Photogrammetry Data and its application to Active Permafrost Regions.
- A prototype field-to-publication data system for a multi-variable permafrost observation network.
- Seminar – 15 May – Ice-Wedge Volume, Distribution, and Development in the Barrens of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Northern Manitoba.
- Recording and AI summary of the 2023 Canadian Science Policy Conference
- Seminar – 8 May – The Effects of Environmental Controls on Epigenetic Ice-Wedge Cracking.
- Seminar – 1 May – Advancing Arctic coastal erosion measurement and monitoring through UAV-SfM and object-based image analysis.
- Le secret des tourbières par Radio-Canada
- Ottawa-Carleton Northern Research Symposium
- Seminar – 17 April – Climate change induced increases in maintenance costs for Yukon highways, 1994–2022.
- Winter Newsletter 2024
- A study of thermal modeling parameters and their impact on modelled permafrost responses to climate warming
- Report on the 2023 NSERC PermafrostNet AGM
- Non-destructive multi-sensor core logging allows for rapid imaging and estimation of frozen bulk density and volumetric ice content in permafrost cores.
- Performance of climate projections for Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories.
- Seminar video – Characterizing the response of Arctic streams and rivers to permafrost thaw.
- Seminar video – SIKU: the Indigenous Knowledge Social Network as a tool for Indigenous-led research and meaningful research engagement with Indigenous communities.
- Transferring Cryosphere Knowledge between Mountains Globally: A Case Study of Western Canadian Mountains, the European Alps and the Scandes
- Identifying active retrogressive thaw slumps from ArcticDEM
- Best practices for using electrical resistivity tomography to investigate permafrost.
- The Northwest Territories Thermokarst Mapping Collective: a northern-driven mapping collaborative toward understanding the effects of permafrost thaw
- 6th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP 2023)
- New seminar videos – Variation in the morphology of permafrost peatlands and Compacting snowbanks to lower ground temperatures.
- Seminar – 31 May – Field experiments investigating snowpack compaction as a method of lowering ground temperatures.
- Seminar – 19 April – Variation in the morphology of permafrost peatlands across the transition from continuous to discontinuous permafrost, central Mackenzie Valley.
- Seminar – 5 April – Rock walls of western Canada: Evaluating the relationships between permafrost, topography and climate.
- International intern
- 2023 International Day of Permafrost
- Seminar – Exploring the interactions between permafrost, ground ice and soil organic carbon.
- Seminar – Permafrost and mercury: revisiting a global hazard assessment at the regional scale in the Hudson Bay Lowlands.
- Seminar – Application of the industrial computed tomography scanning in the characterization of permafrost and non-permafrost cores.
- Seminar – Optimizing CLASSIC’s Soil Carbon Parameters using Bayesian Optimisation and Observational Datasets.
- NSERC PermafrostNet and ArcticNet sign MoU
- Seminar – Effective data sharing: Achievements and challenges creating the Canadian Permafrost Electrical Resistivity Survey Database.
- Fieldwork reports: Charles Gauthier, Rose Lefebvre, Lyna Mansouri and Oliver Sonnentag
- Crushing snowbanks could help to preserve permafrost and keep northern communities connected
- Tiny plants could be key to improving climate change predictions
- Formats and variables – making permafrost data more useful
- The changing landscape of permafrost data
- Why frozen mud is a technical challenge for climate scientists
- Permafrost Thaw and our Climate
- Take your permafrost metadata to the next level
- RCOP 2021 Data Systems Workshop Final Report
- Fieldwork report: Galina Jonat, Hannah Macdonell, Emilie Stewart-Jones and Stephan Gruber
- Compendium of Permafrost Reports: Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative (NTAI) 2011-2021.
- Appel aux évaluations d’experts ! La carte des conditions de la glace de sol. Call for experts – The Ground Ice Map of Canada
- Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative (NTAI) Program Report
- The 2020 NSERC PermafrostNet Data Hackathon
- NSERC PermafrostNet Anti-Black Racism Statement
- NSERC PermafrostNet connects a community
- Our new sustainable and environmentally friendly Canadian-based website
- New publication: Ground subsidence and heave over permafrost.
- COVID-19: NSERC PermafrostNet response and resources
- New team member – Emma Stockton
- Land Claims Agreement Coalition Conference 2020
- Third Canadian Polar Data Workshop
- Unfrozen: How digging and data can help mitigate permafrost thaw
- Northern Lights 2020
- Theme 1 and Database Development Workshop
- NSERC PermafrostNet Inaugural Annual General meeting