The NSERC PermafrostNet website is now powered by renewable energy, generated here in Canada, thanks to Web Hosting Canada (WHC).
Here at NSERC PermafrostNet we want to ensure that our values and ethos are applied to all aspects of our work and so we decided one of the best places to start was with our own website. Websites are hosted on servers in data centres that require considerable amounts of electricity to operate and need constant cooling to prevent overheating. In most places, this electricity is produced from fossil fuels that contribute to climate change. What we wanted to do was ensure our website was stored on Canadian servers and powered by sustainable and environmentally friendly energy. WHC data centres are powered by hydroelectric energy and the servers are temperature-controlled by outside air and water cooling technology rather than air conditioning. Furthermore, all the data is stored on Solid State Drives, which use a fraction of the power needed by traditional mechanical storage. By switching to WHC we have ensured that our data is safely secured in Canada and that we are supporting Canadian business and infrastructure, while minimizing our impact on the environment.