Appel aux évaluations d’experts ! La carte des conditions de la glace de sol. Call for experts – The Ground Ice Map of Canada

“Ground ice maps will ever only be as good as the data behind them.”

Michel Paquette, NSERC PermafrostNet Post-doctoral Fellow, Université de Montréal

Appel aux évaluations d’experts !

Nous cherchons à obtenir les commentaires et la validation des experts de la communauté canadienne du pergélisol sur la récente carte de la glace de sol du Canada.

La carte des conditions de la glace de sol (ground ice map of Canada – GIMC) (Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8713) présente une nouvelle cartographie à l’échelle nationale des conditions de glace de sol au Canada. L’évaluation du GIMC s’inscrit dans le cadre des efforts continus visant à fournir un retour d’information général et à évaluer des domaines spécifiques du GIMC, ce qui contribuera à la production de la première version de la carte de base du potentiel de glace de sol et des conditions géotechniques du pergélisol au Canada (GRIPv1) par PermafrostNet du CRSNG. Nous aimerions connaître votre avis d’expert sur l’exactitude de la GIMC actuelle. Votre expertise est précieuse, car les connaissances sur la glace de sol sont plutôt rares; elles dépendent fortement des connaissances du terrain et sont donc dispersées dans toute la communauté du pergélisol.

Nous aimerions connaître votre avis d’expert. Veuillez visiter notre page web pour plus d’informations et pour accéder à notre questionnaire – GIMC page web.

Call for expert evaluations!

We are looking to get expert feedback and validation from the Canadian permafrost community on the recent ground ice map of Canada.

The Ground Ice Map of Canada (GIMC) (Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8713) presents new national-scale mapping of ground ice conditions in Canada. Evaluation of the GIMC is part of the ongoing efforts to provide general feedback, and evaluate specific areas of the GIMC, which will inform the production of the first version of the Ground Ice Potential and geotechnical permafrost base map of Canada (GRIPv1) by NSERC PermafrostNet.

We would like expert opinions on the accuracy of the current GIMC. Expertise is highly valued, as knowledge on ground ice is quite rare and highly site dependent, and therefore scattered all across the permafrost community.

Read more about it on our GIMC page.

The 2020 NSERC PermafrostNet Data Hackathon

“The event was a great opportunity to meet some of the new network personnel and work together to make progress on some of their data-related challenges. As PermafrostNet continues to develop I hope we can have more events like this.”

Nick Brown, NSERC PermafrostNet Data Scientist

The first NSERC PermafrostNet Data Hackathon was held on August 19th, 2020, with fifteen researchers and data scientists getting together on Zoom to share best practices and discuss their latest challenges with data and coding.

PermafrostNet Hackathon Zoom

The event was organized to support members of the network in creating metadata records and publishing datasets.

The event was kicked off with a presentation by Nick Brown (NSERC PermafrostNet Data Scientist), who outlined the plan for the days activities and presented an introduction to the resources available through NSERC PermafrostNet. You can download the Hackathon presentation here.

The day was broken up into sessions for group work in breakout rooms, discussions and Q+A opportunities for the participants. There was plenty of opportunity for everyone to network and talk with new members of the network and experienced researchers about the varied data challenges they faced. Many of the participants were new members to NSERC PermafrostNet, and in some cases permafrost data work. It was this opportunity to find people to share data issues and ask questions that was found to be the most valuable aspect of the Hackathon by the participants.

You can take a look at the day’s schedule and further details about the event on our 2020 Hackathon page.