Payam Sharifi is an engineer and researcher in Geotechnical Engineering in the GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC.
Payam completed his undergraduate study and master’s degree both in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) With Prof. S. N. Moghaddas Tafreshi from the K.N. Toosi University of Technology (KNTU-TEHRAN-IRAN) in 2012. After a period of time working in industry, Payam returned to graduate studies where he in cold regions engineering under the supervision of Dr. Ryley Beddoe.
Payam’s investigations can be categorized into three main areas. First changing of the deviator stress during the process of saturation of sand specimens in triaxial shear test, second behavior of multi-layers Geocell and geotextile reinforced bed subjected to static and repeated loads, and finally, the performance of railway embankment reinforced by Geocell layer under permafrost degradation condition.
Payam’s career experiences have been acquired by facing many common challenges and critical engineering judgments in the Geotechnical engineering industry.
Payam has had several career positions on his career history such as Construction Site Inspector (excavation support system by anchor, soldier pile, and nailing methods), Head of soil in-situ lab (in-situ tests like Electronic Cone Penetration Test (CPTu AP van den Berg), Plate Loading Test, In Situ Shear Test, Permeability Test, Pressure Meter Test, Down Hole Test, Electrical Resistivity and so on) and Project Manager (several onshore and nearshore geotechnical investigations especially coastline along the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea in the Middle East).