American Geophysical Union 2024

Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Allen Y. Lew Place NW,Washington,District of Columbia,United States

Science has always been about the new. The now. The next. It’s what propels us, feeding our questions and inspiring our work. The constant question and answer form a rhythm, a cadence, a story. Science is a story. A story of infinite possibilities. A story of continuous discoveries. A story Read more…

Seminar – 18 December‚ Measuring Active Layer Dynamics with InSAR.


Date: Wednesday 18th December 2024Time: 1pm Eastern Time / 11am Mountain Time Allison Plourde will be presenting Measuring Active Layer Dynamics with InSAR. InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a well-established method for measuring small-scale surface deformations across vast regions. However, the influence of snow cover on InSAR phase limits the comprehensive tracking Read more…

Seminar – 29 January‚ Understanding Frost Jacking Effects on Transportation Infrastructure in Permafrost Regions: Insights from the Hudson Bay Railway.


Date: Wednesday 29th January 2025Time: 1pm Eastern Time / 11am Mountain Time Natalie Arpin will be presenting Understanding Frost Jacking Effects on Transportation Infrastructure in Permafrost Regions: Insights from the Hudson Bay Railway. The Hudson Bay Railway plays a crucial role in Canada by providing an all-season, land-based pathway to transport goods to Read more…

Arctic Science Summit Week 2025 / ICARP IV Summit

University of Colorado Boulder, USA University Memorial Center (UMC),Boulder,Colorado,United States

On behalf of the U.S. National Academies’ Polar Research Board and the Local Organising Committee, we invite you to Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2025 in beautiful Boulder, Colorado (USA) from 20–28 March 2025. The theme of ASSW 2025 is “Arctic Research Planning for the Next Decade” as it will Read more…

The Fourth Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils

Delta Hotel Ottawa City Centre 101 LYON STREET NORTH,Ottawa,ON,Canada

The PANAM UNSAT 2025 conference's main theme is "Unsaturated Soils for All Environments", and will include typical topics in unsaturated soils, but also aspires to include special topics on the role of unsaturated mechanics in cold regions geotechnique, the role of unsaturated soils in managing the impacts of climate change. The conference will Read more…

GeoManitoba 2025

The deadline for submission of abstracts is December 18, 2024. The Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) and the Canadian Permafrost Association (CPA) are hosting GeoManitoba 2025, the 78th Canadian Geotechnical Conference. ​ The theme for GeoManitoba 2025 is ‘Stronger Together’. This theme was selected to reflect the ever-increasing need for collaboration between disciplines in our work. It also reflects Read more…