Seminar – 31 May – Field experiments investigating snowpack compaction as a method of lowering ground temperatures.

Pat Jardine will be presenting the next NSERC PermafrostNet seminar on Field experiments investigating snowpack compaction as a method of lowering ground temperatures.

Date: 31 May 2023
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Pat will present his work on a field experiment to assess ground surface temperature by snowpack compaction alongside two Yukon highways. This simple method can reduce the risk of damage from thawing permafrost to highway embankments.

Seminar – 19 April – Variation in the morphology of permafrost peatlands across the transition from continuous to discontinuous permafrost, central Mackenzie Valley.

Alexandre Chiasson will be presenting the next NSERC PermafrostNet seminar on Variation in the morphology of permafrost peatlands across the transition from continuous to discontinuous permafrost, central Mackenzie Valley.

Date: 19 April 2023
Time: 12:00-13:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Alexandre’s work focuses on peatland morphological variations through the transition from continuous to discontinuous permafrost in the central Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories and will specifically highlight the unique characteristics of dendritic peat plateaus (DPPs). Using statistical, remote-sensing, and mapping analyses, Alexandre will explore the differences in peatland morphology and how these peatland landforms responses have changed over time depending on a combination of climatic factors and environment settings. This webinar promises to provide valuable insights into the fascinating world of peatlands by highlighting new peat plateau landforms and their responses to global warming.

StoryMap on dendritic peat plateaus

Emilie Stewart-Jones inspecting rock temperature

Seminar – 5 April – Rock walls of western Canada: Evaluating the relationships between permafrost, topography and climate.

Emilie Stewart-Jones will be presenting the next NSERC PermafrostNet seminar on Rock walls of western Canada: Evaluating the relationships between permafrost, topography and climate.

Date: 5 April 2023
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

In this seminar Emilie will talk about the research she has been conducting for her Masters project. She will be presenting the results from a new method for modelling ground/rock temperatures in remote locations and will be demonstrating its potential for evaluating rock fall events.

You can now also see February’s seminar – Exploring the interactions between permafrost, ground ice and soil organic carbon. by Samuel Gagnon on our seminar series webpage.

Seminar – Exploring the interactions between permafrost, ground ice and soil organic carbon.

The February 2023 PermafrostNet seminar will be presented by Samuel Gagnon on Exploring the interactions between permafrost, ground ice and soil organic carbon.

Date: 22 February 2023
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

In this seminar Samuel will discuss his past projects and how his work has been mostly focussed on two main themes: carbon and ground ice. He’ll show how the two can interact together, discuss some of the links with work with PermafrostNet’s Theme 1, and share insights from his work on those two main topics. 

You can now also see January’s seminar – Permafrost and mercury: revisiting a global hazard assessment at the regional scale in the Hudson Bay Lowlands by Adam Kirkwood on our seminar series webpage.

Seminar – Effective data sharing: Achievements and challenges creating the Canadian Permafrost Electrical Resistivity Survey Database.

The October PermafrostNet seminar is being presented by Teddi Herring on Effective data sharing: Achievements and challenges creating the Canadian Permafrost Electrical Resistivity Survey Database.
Date: 26 October 2022
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Teddi Herring

New Seminar Coordinator

Taking over from Charles Gauthier as our new network seminar coordinator is Zakieh Mohammadi. Zakieh is a PhD student at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Professor Jocelyn Hayley. During her PhD studies, she will be working on developing a framework for evaluating and estimating the thaw-settlement behaviour of permafrost sediment.