Seminar video – SIKU: the Indigenous Knowledge Social Network as a tool for Indigenous-led research and meaningful research engagement with Indigenous communities.

The NSERC PermafrostNet seminar video on SIKU is now available.

Sophie Crump presented her seminar on SIKU: the Indigenous Knowledge Social Network as a tool for Indigenous-led research and meaningful research engagement with Indigenous communities. Sophie presented examples of how SIKU is being used to document permafrost in the environment and opened up the discussion on using the platform for both knowledge sharing and monitoring of permafrost.

Comparison of mountain areas with permafrost in western Canada (coloured) and European areas (grey) for mean annual air temperature and total annual precipitation at a resolution of 30 km x 30 km.

Transfert des connaissances sur la cryosphère entre les montagnes au niveau mondial : Une étude de cas des montagnes de l’Ouest canadien, des Alpes européennes et des Scandes

Transfert des connaissances sur la cryosphère entre les montagnes au niveau mondial : Une étude de cas des montagnes de l’Ouest canadien, des Alpes européennes et des Scandes

La plupart des recherches sur le pergélisol de montagne se sont concentrées sur la petite zone des Alpes européennes. Cela nous amène à la question suivante : pouvez-vous transférer les connaissances sur la cryosphère des Scandes et des Alpes au Canada?

Emilie Stewart-Jonesa développé une méthode permettant de comparer les climats régionaux à une échelle grossière afin de mettre en évidence les similarités et les différences. Son articleTransfert des connaissances sur la cryosphère entre les montagnes au niveau mondial : Une étude de cas des montagnes de l’Ouest canadien, des Alpes européennes et des Scandespublié dans le Journal of Alpine Research en novembre peut désormais répondre à la question de savoir si nous pouvons transférer nos connaissances sur le pergélisol d'une région à une autre.

Comparison of mountain areas with permafrost in western Canada (coloured) and European areas (grey) for mean annual air temperature and total annual precipitation at a resolution of 30 km x 30 km.
Comparaison des zones montagneuses avec pergélisol dans l'ouest du Canada (en couleur) et dans les régions européennes (en gris) pour la température annuelle moyenne de l'air et les précipitations annuelles totales à une résolution de 30 km x 30 km.

Coverage of the ArcticDEM in the Arctic with permafrost extent.

Identifying active retrogressive thaw slumps from ArcticDEM

 Identifying active retrogressive thaw slumps from ArcticDEM

L’ampleur du dégel du pergélisol dans la région panArctique reste inconnue, mais la télédétection, l’apprentissage profond et le « crowdsourcing » aident à cartographier la dégradation du pergélisol dans le paysage.

L'étude récente de Huang et al fournit des données et sert à dresser un inventaire mondial et à mieux comprendre le dégel du pergélisol dans la région panarctique grâce à la télédétection à très haute résolution. Cette approche pourrait conduire à un inventaire mondial des effondrements régressifs liés au dégel.

Lingcao Huang, Michael J. Willis, Guiye Li, Trevor C. Lantz, Kevin Schaefer, Elizabeth Wig, Guofeng Cao, Kristy F. Tiampo, Identifying active retrogressive thaw slumps from ArcticDEM, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Volume 205, 2023, Pages 301-316, ISSN 0924-2716.

Coverage of the ArcticDEM in the Arctic with permafrost extent.
Couverture de l'ArcticDEM dans l'Arctique avec étendue du pergélisol.

Global map summarizing locations of field sites where electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) has been used to study permafrost (2000–22) based on the literature search.

Best practices for using electrical resistivity tomography to investigate permafrost.

Best practices for using electrical resistivity tomography to investigate permafrost

Une étude récente de Teddi Herring suggère des moyens d'améliorer la façon dont la tomographie par résistivité électrique (Electrical Resistivity Tomography ou ERT) est utilisée pour le pergélisol et met en évidence les progrès récents dans cette approche. L'ERT est une technique extrêmement utile pour étudier le pergélisol, car elle nous permet de connaître la profondeur de la couche de pergélisol et d'identifier les zones contenant de la glace.

Le nombre de publications d'études utilisant l'ERT pour analyser le pergélisol a été multiplié par 10 au cours des 20 dernières années, et bien que des défis demeurent et qu'il n'existe pas encore de « meilleure façon » unique de le faire, l'étude formule des recommandations pour mener des études ERT afin de maximiser l’utilité des données existantes et futures.

Herring T,  Lewkowicz AG,  Hauck C, et al.  Best practices for using electrical resistivity tomography to investigate permafrostPermafrost and Periglac Process.  2023; 34(4): 494-512. doi:10.1002/ppp.2207

Global map summarizing locations of field sites where electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) has been used to study permafrost (2000–22) based on the literature search.
Carte mondiale résumant les emplacements des sites de terrain où la tomographie par résistivité électrique (ERT) a été utilisée pour étudier le pergélisol (2000 à 2022) sur la base de la recherche documentaire.

Project organization, roles and institutional involvement by location.

The Northwest Territories Thermokarst Mapping Collective: a northern-driven mapping collaborative toward understanding the effects of permafrost thaw

The Northwest Territories Thermokarst Mapping Collective: a northern-driven mapping collaborative toward understanding the effects of permafrost thaw.

Un article du Thermokarst Mapping Collective (TMC), une collaboration de recherche visant à inventorier systématiquement les indicateurs de sensibilité au dégel du pergélisol par cartographie et évaluations aériennes dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest (NT), au Canada, a documenté le premier inventaire complet des terrains thermokarst et d’indicateurs sensibles au dégel pour une région de 2 millions de kilomètres2 carrés du nord-ouest du Canada.

Kokelj, S.V. et alThe Northwest Territories Thermokarst Mapping Collective: a northern-driven mapping collaborative toward understanding the effects of permafrost thawArctic Science. E First. DOI: 10.1139/as-2023-0009.

Project organization, roles and institutional involvement by location.
Organisation du projet, rôles et implication institutionnelle par localisation.

6th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP 2023)

Blog post by Samuel Gagnon and Pia Blake.

Members of NSERC PermafrostNet gathered in Puigcerdà, Spain, last week for the 6th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP 2023). The conference brought together nearly 500 permafrost scientists from all over the world and covered a wide range of permafrost topics from research to engineering and outreach. It was a real treat to have an entire week dedicated to permafrost, something that had not happened since the last EUCOP in 2018. The relatively small number of attendants combined with the proximity that a smaller town offers were the perfect ingredients to renew and create new partnerships, exchange ideas in a casual atmosphere, and create a sense of community.

During the week, scientists attended lectures, participated in topical sessions, and discussed at ‘beer, poster, and cheese’ sessions (yes, that’s the official order from the program!). The quality and variety of presentations were outstanding, and Canadian researchers once again showed the relevance of their work and their know-how to their international colleagues. Many PermafrostNet members distinguished themselves by giving exceptional talks to the assembled participants, including Tabatha Rahman (ULaval), Hannah Macdonell (UCarleton), Adam Kirkwood (ULaval), Mahya Roustaei (UAlberta), Emma Street (UVic), and Toni Lewkowicz (UOttawa), while many others gave poster presentations.

Rounding out the week was a series of day-long field excursions on a range of topics. Participants could learn about the anthropogenic history of the region, the geological history, or explore the mountain peaks surrounding Puigcerdà in the eastern Pyrenees (Cerdanya, Núria, Andorra).

The week flew by and was inspiring and motivating. Many thanks to the organisers who worked tirelessly and pulled off an amazing conference!  We look forward to welcoming all to the International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP2024) next year in Whitehorse.

In the meantime, please submit an abstract or join us at the permafrost session – Exploring the Roles of Ground Ice on Permafrost Dynamics at AGU23 on 11-15 December in San Francisco.

New seminar videos – Variation in the morphology of permafrost peatlands and Compacting snowbanks to lower ground temperatures.

Two new NSERC PermafrostNet seminar recordings are now available.

Alexandre Chiasson presented his seminar on Variation in the morphology of permafrost peatlands across the transition from continuous to discontinuous permafrost, central Mackenzie Valley.

Pat Jardine presented his seminar on Field experiments investigating snowpack compaction as a method of lowering ground temperatures.

Seminar – 31 May – Field experiments investigating snowpack compaction as a method of lowering ground temperatures.

Pat Jardine will be presenting the next NSERC PermafrostNet seminar on Field experiments investigating snowpack compaction as a method of lowering ground temperatures.

Date: 31 May 2023
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Pat will present his work on a field experiment to assess ground surface temperature by snowpack compaction alongside two Yukon highways. This simple method can reduce the risk of damage from thawing permafrost to highway embankments.

Seminar – 19 April – Variation in the morphology of permafrost peatlands across the transition from continuous to discontinuous permafrost, central Mackenzie Valley.

Alexandre Chiasson will be presenting the next NSERC PermafrostNet seminar on Variation in the morphology of permafrost peatlands across the transition from continuous to discontinuous permafrost, central Mackenzie Valley.

Date: 19 April 2023
Time: 12:00-13:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Alexandre’s work focuses on peatland morphological variations through the transition from continuous to discontinuous permafrost in the central Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories and will specifically highlight the unique characteristics of dendritic peat plateaus (DPPs). Using statistical, remote-sensing, and mapping analyses, Alexandre will explore the differences in peatland morphology and how these peatland landforms responses have changed over time depending on a combination of climatic factors and environment settings. This webinar promises to provide valuable insights into the fascinating world of peatlands by highlighting new peat plateau landforms and their responses to global warming.

StoryMap on dendritic peat plateaus

Emilie Stewart-Jones inspecting rock temperature

Seminar – 5 April – Rock walls of western Canada: Evaluating the relationships between permafrost, topography and climate.

Emilie Stewart-Jones will be presenting the next NSERC PermafrostNet seminar on Rock walls of western Canada: Evaluating the relationships between permafrost, topography and climate.

Date: 5 April 2023
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

In this seminar Emilie will talk about the research she has been conducting for her Masters project. She will be presenting the results from a new method for modelling ground/rock temperatures in remote locations and will be demonstrating its potential for evaluating rock fall events.

You can now also see February’s seminar – Exploring the interactions between permafrost, ground ice and soil organic carbon. by Samuel Gagnon on our seminar series webpage.