Seminar – 22 May – Precise Change Detection with Airborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) & Optical Photogrammetry Data and its application to Active Permafrost Regions.

Usman Iqbal Ahmed will be presenting Precise Change Detection with Airborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) & Optical Photogrammetry Data and its application to Active Permafrost Regions.

Date: 22 May 2024
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Permafrost thaw can cause several problems; the ground becomes unstable and can cause damage to infrastructure such as roads, buildings, and pipelines. It can also cause erosion and changes in the landscape, which can have ecological and social impacts and disruption of indigenous ways of life. Monitoring these changes is a key factor in reducing the impact of such disasters as well as timely reaction/adaptation to such changes. I am exploring the option of developing a change detection method using Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry and Optical Photogrammetry data for precise change detection. I will present the results of our controlled experiment with simulated permafrost related changes to showcase the capability of our method in active permafrost thaw environments.

Seminar – 15 May – Ice-Wedge Volume, Distribution, and Development in the Barrens of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Northern Manitoba.

Tabatha Rahman will be presenting Ice-Wedge Volume, Distribution, and Development in the Barrens of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Northern Manitoba.

Date: 15 May 2024
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Extensive ice-wedge polygon networks are found in the ‘Barrens’ of northern Manitoba, a 50,000 km2 zone of continuous permafrost tundra that emerged from the Tyrrell Sea less than 5,500 years ago. Tabatha will present empirical results of ice-wedge volume and tri-dimensional distribution, and will focus on the environmental conditions associated with the growth and degradation of ice wedges in this uplifted permafrost peatland. Knowledge of wedge-ice morphology and development is essential for the prediction and mitigation of risks associated with anticipated permafrost thaw in the Barrens.

Enregistrement et résumé AI de la Conférence sur la politique scientifique canadienne 2023

A Vision for Permafrost Knowledge in Canada: From Strategy to Action

Permafrost Pathways et le PermafrostNet CRSNG ont organisé des tables rondes distinctes lors de la conférence 2022 du Centre canadien de la politique scientifique (CCPS). Cela a conduit à une collaboration pour organiser un panel unique pour la conférence du CCPS 2023 afin de faire avancer les discussions commencées en 2022, intitulée : A Vision for Permafrost Knowledge in Canada: From Strategy to Actionqui s'est tenue le lundi 13 novembre. Les panélistes comprenaient : John Holdren (Arctic Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School), Marc D'Iorio (SMA Sciences, ECCC), Sara Brown (Association des communautés des Territoires du Nord-Ouest) et Stephan Gruber (PermafrostNet CRSNG), sous la présidence de Janet King, présidente du conseil d'administration. Janet King moderating.

To enable more in-depth discussions and strategizing, Jennifer Spence (Carleton University; Arctic Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School) and Janet King organized a workshop that followed the panel titled: Advancing Canada’s role as a leader in permafrost knowledge and policy. The workshop featured representatives of ITK, NWT Association of Communities, ECCC, the federal government’s Working Group on permafrost,  Polar Knowledge Canada, the Geological Survey of Canada, the NWT Geological Survey, the Canadian Permafrost Association, NSERC PermafrostNet, Permafrost Pathways, ArcticNet, Woodwell Climate Research Centre, and the Cascade Institute.

Vous pouvez maintenant lire tous les détails du panel, obtenir un résumé AI de la discussion et écouter l'enregistrement audio du symposium sur le site web CSPC webpage for the session.

Seminar – 8 May – The Effects of Environmental Controls on Epigenetic Ice-Wedge Cracking.

Gabriel Karam will be presenting The Effects of Environmental Controls on Epigenetic Ice-Wedge Cracking.

Date: 8 May 2024
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Ice-wedge polygons are a widespread periglacial feature in the continuous permafrost regions. To better understand the mechanical aspects of their formation, the extended finite-element method was employed to simulate the cracking process. Four case studies will be presented, which evaluate the effects different environmental controls and explore the growth of wedges over multiple years.

Seminar – 1 May – Advancing Arctic coastal erosion measurement and monitoring through UAV-SfM and object-based image analysis.

Andrew Clark will be presenting Advancing Arctic coastal erosion measurement and monitoring through UAV-SfM and object-based image analysis.

Date: 1 May 2024
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Arctic coasts are vast and exhibit some of the highest rates of erosion in the World due to the presence of permafrost. Rates of erosion are expected to increase with warming air and water temperatures, reductions in Arctic sea ice extent and duration, sea level rise, and increased storm severity and frequency. This presentation will describe the use of emerging technologies (UAV-SfM and OBIA) to further our understanding of Arctic coastal processes, specifically, volumetric erosion, and broad scale delineation of multiple shoreline proxies for monitoring and quantification of erosion.

Andrew Clark

Le secret des tourbières par Radio-Canada

Un reportage à Découverte de Radio-Canada avec Oliver Sonnentag.

Face au réchauffement de la planète, les scientifiques tirent la sonnette d’alarme : il est temps de prendre conscience des pouvoirs de la tourbe. D’un labo de biopharmacie en Irlande à la plus grande tourbière d’Europe, en passant par la cabane d’un piégeur et la plus vaste expérience sur le changement climatique, Le secret des tourbières nous dévoile la beauté et les merveilles des tourbières. Avec Oliver Sonnentag, à la minute 22:45.

Regarder ici:

Ottawa-Carleton Northern Research Symposium

The OCSNRS is an annual student academic conference focusing on Subarctic, Arctic and Antarctic research from natural & physical sciences, social sciences, humanities and applied sciences.

This year the University of Ottawa hosted the meeting which featured a number of permafrost presentations from the network:

  • Galina Jonat – A proposed Framework for Improved Simulations of Permafrost Change.
  • Frederic Brieger – Permafrost Terrain Disturbance Mapping and Susceptibility Modeling in the Na-Cho Nyäk Ge (Stewart River) Watershed, Yukon.
  • Rae Landriau – Performance of Drilling Waste Sumps – Mackenzie Delta NT.
  • Pia Blake – Effects of Snow and Surface Material on Surface Offset of Intermediate Slopes.

Read more about the symposium here:



Seminar – 17 April – Climate change induced increases in maintenance costs for Yukon highways, 1994–2022.

Astrid Schetselaar will be presenting Climate change induced increases in maintenance costs for Yukon highways, 1994–2022.

Date: 17 April 2024
Time: 13:00-14:00 Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (details are posted in our Teams site).

Transportation networks in Canada’s North are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Rising ground temperatures and permafrost thaw have been a cause of road damage as the bearing capacity of the ground is significantly reduced. Hydrological changes may further induce hazards, such as landslides, washouts, and icings (aufeis). Astrid’s presentation will outline a retrospective assessment of climate change-induced maintenance expenditures for highways in Yukon. Changes in costs are linked to climate, physiographic, conditions and underlying permafrost.

Bulletin De PermafrostNet CRSNG - Hiver 2024

L'édition d'hiver 2024 de notre lettre d'information est désormais disponible en français et en anglais.

Ce numéro présente les événements récents et à venir, des détails sur le soutien aux assistants de recherche nordique et partage les publications récentes du réseau que vous avez peut-être manquées. En novembre dernier, le réseau s'est réuni pour sa cinquième assemblée générale annuelle. Des photos, des affiches, des présentations et d'autres détails de l'événement sont disponibles sur notre site web, où vous pouvez également télécharger un rapport complet sur la réunion.

Lire le bulletin d'information ici.

The study area showing the Hudson Bay Railway extending from Churchill to The Pas, Manitoba.

A study of thermal modeling parameters and their impact on modelled permafrost responses to climate warming

A study of thermal modeling parameters and their impact on modelled permafrost responses to climate warming

Une étude par Khatereh Roghangar et Jocelyn Hayley a évalué les effets des paramètres de modélisation thermique sur la réponse du pergélisol au réchauffement climatique. Ils ont analysé comment les variations de profondeur, de teneur en eau et de type de sol affectent les prévisions des profondeurs futures des couches actives et du tassement selon divers scénarios climatiques en utilisant les caractéristiques du sol le long du corridor ferroviaire de la baie d'Hudson.

Les résultats indiquent que, pour les sols à grains fins, la profondeur du modèle est un paramètre plus significatif que pour les sols à grains grossiers. La teneur en eau de tous les types de sol est un facteur essentiel pour déterminer le moment auquel le pergélisol dégèle et la profondeur à laquelle se situe la couche active, car une teneur en eau plus élevée entraîne des changements plus importants dans la couche active et un tassement plus important dans la plupart des cas. Ces découvertes ont des implications importantes pour la gestion des infrastructures et de l’utilisation des terres dans la région arctique.

Roghangar, K. and Hayley, J.L. (2024). A study of thermal modeling parameters and their impact on modelled permafrost responses to climate warmingCold Regions Science and Technology, 221, 104155, DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2024.104155.

The study area showing the Hudson Bay Railway extending from Churchill to The Pas, Manitoba.
Zone d'étude montrant le chemin de fer de la Baie d'Hudson s'étendant de Churchill à The Pas, au Manitoba.