Posted: June 27, 2019
Anticipated start: September 2019 (or as soon as possible) 
Supervisory team: Dr. Pascale Roy-Léveillée, Dr. Merritt Turetsky, Dr. Trevor Lantz, Dr. Peter Morse

This position will elucidate controls on 1) the initiation of thaw lakes and ponds, 2) variation in rates of expansion, and 3) pathways of stabilization and permafrost recovery post stabilization. Field work will take place in thermokarst-affected lowlands between the Blackstone Uplands (YT) and Tuktoyuktuk (NWT). The position will develop predictive models based on the interacting effects of paleogeography (deposits and ice), climate, topography, snow cover, and vegetation growth within thaw ponds. This work will support the development of a lowland thermokarst hazard assessment framework to support the effective evaluation and management of risks associated with signs of thermokarst initiation near existing or planned infrastructure, traditional travel routes and areas of cultural significance, sensitive wildlife habitat, etc. For more info on the project contact